Look For Something

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Final Infographic

This is my final infographic project for my Graphic Design Class. I am really happy with the outcome and think that everything that I intended really comes across.

The story behind this is:
Every summer, I volunteer at Camp Quality which is a camp for kids that have cancer. This past summer, I was paired up with Vladimir for the week. Vlad is a 6 year old boy, which is an experience that I haven't quite had to take on yet. One thing that I learned about 6 year old boys, is that they have a pretty small attention span. So I figured that would make for an interesting project.
The bubble represent each of the things that Vlad's attention was on for a while. The color ring corresponds with description of it on the right. The bigger the bubble, as well as higher the word, the more of Vlad's attention was focused on it.